Jimmy Lingenfelter

May 4, 1956

Alicia and I are Great and loving each other and life. We are involved with our church family (Houston Faith Church) and we are Blessed By GOD. Our son, Chris, is a Special Ed Teacher in Cy-Fair. I have a bunch of nieces and nephews as well as Great Nieces and Nephews. I am so Thankful to God for my Family and Friends.

If I could spend the day with someone famous:  I would love to spend the day with Jesus.  The High School fiend I have lost touch with and would love to catch up with is Matt Logan.  If I could have one do over I would love to have another opportunity to get to know more of my SBHS classmates, because our class had so many special people and I would have enjoyed getting to know them personally. The most important and BEST piece of advice for all of our classmates is as follows:
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. 

My favorite saying: “I’m your huckleberry” = “I’m the man for the job”

Yes I planned to attend the 50th reunion, if at all possible.

Married & still working

You can e-mail me at: jim@primecontractorsinc.com